How to Enable/Disable Notification Badge on Samsung Android Mobile or Tablet
BadgeProvioder is a kind of system app for all android mobiles and tablets, especially for Samsung users that always runs in the background and gives users badge notifications about new things regarding the installed applications on your device. This is undoubtedly a great feature and a useful utility as it always notifies users about anything new and unseen including new emails, new WhatsApp messages, new miss call alerts and similar things. But, this utility has few disadvantages too.
- Badge Provider is a start up system app and always runs in the background. Naturally, it consumes a lot of battery.
- People, while doing important and serious work, get annoyed by this unwanted notifications.
So, some people want to disable notification badge on their device. Samsung is one of the best android competitors in the world for its quality and brand value. Large numbers of Android users opt for Samsung mobiles or tablets. So, in this article, we basically cover about turning off notifications badges on the Samsung devices.
Disable Notification Badge in Samsung Mobile and Tablet
It is not a hard task to disable the notifications badges in Samsung mobiles. As I already mentioned that a system app called BadgeProvider shows the pending notifications to you. It always runs in the background, consumes battery power. However, it is not going to kill your battery.
Theoretically, by killing the ‘BadgeProvider’ task or by disabling it, you can turn off all the notification badges. To disable the ‘BadgeProvider’ system app, just follow these steps in your Samsung android.
- Go to Settings > Applications and tap to open the Applications window.
- Then open Application manager.
- Click on ‘More‘ option from the top-right corner and choose “Show system apps” option.
- From the list of “All apps” scroll down to find BadgeProvider option.
- Tap it to open its application info section.
- You will find “Force stop” and “Disable” option there. Tap them respectively to completely disable the app.
In few devices, you can’t use the Disable option as it remains unusable. You need a rooted device to disable such. Either you need Titanium backup pro to freeze/disable the app or you can completely uninstall Badge Provider app using System App Remover (ROOT) application. Do it at your own risk because it might make your device unusable by bricking the device.
This is a very useful utility as you can get the alert for the unseen notifications without opening the apps. So, there is actually no good idea to turn off notification badge on Samsung mobile devices. However, after disabling BatchProvider, if you want to use it again, just Enable the app once again. After that, you will get all app’s push notifications. But, if you completely uninstall the app, there is no way to get it back. So, you should make a backup copy before permanently disable the BatchProvider in Samsung.
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