WhatsApp for Android Now Lets You Send Documents (PDF Only)

WhatsApp officially has launched document sharing feature in it’s latest update. In an earlier update, WhatsApp has added read receipts feature. And now, the question “How to send documents using WhatsApp” is over, and you don’t have to use any third-party service to send any PDF document. However, until now, word documents and any other files like doc, docx and other common formats can’t be sent.

This document sharing feature of WhatsApp now increases its popularity at another level so that it can compete with all other popular IM services. The latest version is not available in Play store still now. If you are a beta tester user, you might get the update direct from the Google Play Store. Otherwise, you need to visit the official WhatsApp Android page to download the latest build and get the update. The update is now available only to the Android users. The Web version users, Apple and Windows mobile users yet to get the update.

The old attachment section of WhatsApp is similar to below screenshot. No document attachment section was available there.

attachment without document in WhatsApp

But, the current version is available with the document sending option.

send pdf with WhatsApp officially

Now, let’s see the process of sending portable document format using WhatsApp messenger.

How to Send Documents (PDF Files) Using WhatsApp in Android Device

Download and install (or update) the latest build (WhatsApp version 2.12.489) from the official web address.

  1. Open WhatsApp and choose the contact whom you want to send the document.
  2. Tap to open the contact conversation window.
  3. Choose ”attachment” option from the top right corner.
  4. You will find the document option right there as shown in the above image.
  5. Select it to browse and open the file manager and choose the document you want to send.
  6. As soon as you choose the pdf document, it will be added and sent as an attachment from WhatsApp.

So far, I have discussed about new PDF documents sending feature of WhatsApp. Hope, the IM will add support to other document formats very soon.